How to Define the Forearms?


The human body is a true wonder of creation. Each of its parts is perfectly made and has a function. It is not there by chance, but has a purpose.

In fact, each part is closely related to the other members of the body, such as the fingers, hands, forearms, arms, etc.

Although it is true that we can continue living without a member of the body, the quality of life would not be the same, since each part is necessary, complementary and works in perfect harmony with the rest of the body. Hence the need to take great care of ourselves by following a healthy diet and an appropriate and balanced exercise routine.

In this sense, balance is very important, since we tend to pay more attention to certain areas of our body, such as the buttocks, chest and abdomen, as we relate them to today’s beauty standards.

This has resulted in us stopping training certain equally important parts of the body, such as the forearms. This is one of the most neglected members of the body. However, the truth is that it depends on them that we have a better grip, which will help us perform different types of tasks more efficiently.

If you like to train your body, you will surely want to know how you can define the forearms. This time we will be sharing with you some strategies that will help you achieve it, whether you go to the gym or not. The idea is that you can count on a perfectly defined body, since the disproportion is usually noticeable to the eyes.

Pay close attention to the following recommendations and make sure you follow them to the letter. In a short time, you will begin to see favorable results that will leave you satisfied.

Instructions to define the forearms

As we have mentioned before, the forearms are usually the muscles that are less directly trained. However, this is a serious mistake, since in multiple exercises it is necessary to use external auxiliary elements to provide a good grip.

The muscle groups of the forearms are made up of the anterior, posterior and lateral compartments, which are responsible for the different movements that the hand and the arm itself can perform. For example, the flexion of the fingers, the elbow joint, the wrist joint, etc.

However, broadly speaking, we can say that the set made up of the elbow and the forearm fulfills two different functions that we use constantly, consciously or unconsciously.

These functions are:

  • Elbow flexion and extension. It is responsible for changing the functional length of the arm and modifies the distance between the hands and the rest of the body. The humeroulnar and humeroradial joints are responsible for providing this movement.
  • Supination and pronation of the forearm. These are the joints between the radius and the ulna that allow the palm to rotate up and down without moving the elbow joint.

Now, in view of its importance, how can we train the forearms to strengthen them and define them well? Continuing with the following training routine:

Towel Pull-ups

This is a variant of traditional pull-ups, which adds a certain degree of difficulty. In this case, the muscular area of ​​support is the one that will be in charge of supporting the entire weight of our body. To do this, wrap two towels around a fixed bar. Then grab into each hand and push yourself up while keeping your chest up and shoulders down.

It is necessary that you squeeze the towel very well so that you can stay on your feet and squeeze even more to get up from the ground. Therefore, it is not surprising that on your first attempt you do not manage to perform many repetitions.

If you find it to be a very complicated or demanding exercise, you can start by holding the towel with one hand and with the other grab the horizontal bar. Then alternate arms.

If you put in the effort to practice this exercise, you will notice a big change in your grip strength and in the development of the size and shape of your forearm.

Single Arm Barbell Forearm Curl

Ideally, you should do this exercise with the help of an Olympic bar due to its weight and length. The purpose is to try to do the curls while keeping your balance at all times, that is, the bar tilts neither to the right nor to the left. The effort we make with the forearm will depend on it.

While it may seem like you’re doing biceps curls, and even though you are, we’ll also be working your forearms. You can do 3 sets of 15 reps each per arm.

farmer’s load

If your goal is to get a strong grip and defined forearms, this is a fundamental exercise. Also, this exercise will help you develop a strong core and improve shoulder stability.

To do it, take a dumbbell, which is heavy enough, in each hand. Stand tall with your legs straight and start walking.

As you do this, keep your core tight, chest out, and shoulders back. Maintain that posture at all times.

Doing this exercise will also serve as a warm-up, in order to stimulate the stability of the body in general.

What do you need to be able to carry out these definition exercises for the forearms? We’ll be looking at it right now.

What do you need to define the forearms?

In order to carry out an efficient exercise routine, you need to have the following elements:

  •  Sportswear that is comfortable. Although it may seem insignificant, it will depend on how efficiently you can perform certain movements related to the exercises and avoid injuries due to lack of good mobility.
  •  Appropriate footwear. Footwear is equally important, because your stability when exercising will depend on having a good grip. One wrong move can lead to injury.
  •  Weights and dumbbells. These will help you develop and define more easily the muscles located in the forearm area
  •  A towel. Not only to wipe off the sweat, but also to be able to do pull-ups.
  •  A stable bar on which you can hang comfortably and without fear of falling to the ground.
  • Being well hydrated is very important. Especially when the body is subjected to intense physical activity. Keeping an eye on this aspect will help you perform better and prevent fatigue.
  •  Good music and company to keep you super motivated.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and other reasons, some cannot go to the gym to train. In such a case, what can you do? Pay close attention to the following recommendations.

Tips to define the forearms

Although in the gym you have a large number of elements that will allow you to exercise and define your forearms more quickly, you can also achieve it at home, how? Doing these exercises:

  1. Wrist flexions. Although it is true that there are many exercises of this type, the recommendation is that you start with the most basic to avoid suffering any type of injury or ailment.
  2. Stand leaning against a wall facing forward. Then, push with the tips of your fingers, trying to move away from the wall a little. This exercise will make your wrists move again and again, activating the muscles present in the forearm and activating the blood supply.
  3. As you master this exercise, you can increase the difficultyby doing more repetitions or increase the incline by leaning on lower walls or tables to make the most of your body weight.
  4. Rising from a chair. To do this exercise correctly, lie on your stomach while keeping your arms extended above your head. Then grab a chair by its front legs and try to lift it off the ground as much as possible.
  5. When you manage to get used to this movement, the arms will be stronger. To avoid suffering any injury to the wrist or the most distal area of ​​the forearm, the recommendation is that you start using chairs that are light in weight.
  6. Dumbbell exercises. These are the basic exercises to define the forearms. However, we do not always have one. In this case, it is to replace them with other objects, such as plastic bottles filled with water or sand.
  7. In order to perform these exercises, you must also have a table, or other support area, which is at chest height. Being in this support, extend your arms with the palms of your hands facing up while holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  8. This type of training is very important to get a strong gripand to improve the appearance of the forearms. However, you must be balanced in this particular. It will be enough for you to exercise them about 2 or 3 times a week. In fact, it is the ideal.
  9. On the other hand, these exercises should be combined with a series of isometric exercises and wrist flexions.

If you follow these recommendations to the letter, in a very short time you will be able to see the results, a perfectly defined and symmetrical body, ideal to show off during summer days at the beach.

Naturally, defining the forearms is not a job that will be achieved overnight. But, if you are disciplined and try hard enough, you will achieve your goal in less than you can imagine. So what are you waiting for to start your forearm training? Today is the best day to do it.