How to Choose a Gym?


One of the biggest follies when you decide to go to the gym is really knowing which one to go to. It seems the least important and you think, most of the time, that you will go to the first one you come across or that they tell you, how about it, the most modern, etc. But in the end, you can’t afford it, you go and you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t like the environment, they don’t have the classes you take, it’s too far from home, etc.


All these points seem silly at first, but of course, if you don’t think about it from the first moment, you will end up regretting it.

The most advisable thing is always to go to several gyms yourself and see what they are like, what they offer you, ask them if they can show you their facilities and their programming. Because maybe they have everything you need and want, but the times and days that the classes are held are not good for you. It wouldn’t make sense, would it?

Instructions for choosing a gym

  1. Another very interesting option if you have the opportunity is to pay for just days and thus test how the machines and/or classes are. This way you won’t have to repent later or throw money away.
  2. One of the main things that you should always do when you have decided that you are going to join a gym is to be clear about certain aspects and of course, nothing happens if you regret it and want to change. You will not be the first nor the last. The question is to be comfortable, to attend regularly and above all, the money is yours. With him do what you want. If you don’t like it, you delete yourself.
  3. Next, really think about what it is you want to do. What do you do or want to do and what are your needs or priorities? Because, for example, it is not the same that you want an increase in muscle mass as that you want to maintain or lose kilos. It may seem silly, but it is not.
  4. Without going any further, if it is a very simple, simple or even somewhat old-fashioned gym, surely it will not have very good machines or it will have very few. If you want to get better and continue improving with volume and muscle mass, then surely you will stay stuck and you will not achieve more. Therefore, taking a good look at what they offer and what you want or need is very important.
    When you have more or less decided, think about being as realistic as possible, in the distance.
  5. A somewhat absurd thing is to think that every day or several times a week, you will be willing to make an hour of travel (go) and another (return) just to go to that “famous” gym or because a friend also goes, because he has a good reputation, etc. Really thinking about it coldly, are you going to do it? Because watch out, if there are many people who are willing to travel half an hour there and another return (an hour of travel) to go to a good gym. And that’s not a bad thing. On the contrary, it shows that they are interested, that they fight for what they want and so on. But surely, it is not normal and not everyone does it. Better be realistic.
  6. Look for a gym that is in your radius, that is close and even if you can walk better. In fact, what you take with you, exercising on the way there and back.
  7. With all this, already decided, the big stick can come. The money. You have to be sensible. There are gyms that, even so, make promotions, especially if they belong to chains. So go ahead and ask or keep an eye on their website. Surely at some point they do a good promotion that may interest you. In general, many gyms in September offer promotions, such as free registration, some gift classes, half price for the first month, discount bonuses, etc.
  8. If you really like a gym, think about whether you really pay for what you need or if you are paying extras that all add up at the end of the month and are not so necessary either. To give the most typical examples (and always depending on the gym). There are those, who, even paying the monthly fee, do not enter the box office. You must pay it separately and many do it daily or monthly. So don’t pay. Take just enough to train and if you live close to home, you take a shower when you arrive.
  9. Do not make the mistake of signing up because you had heard comments, publicity, friends or acquaintances… surely, you can be tremendously disappointed. Always, try to approach and pay a visit to that gym. Many will have no problem letting you visit if you are interested in signing up. In this way you will be able to see for your own eyes, the facilities, the common areas, the directed classes that they do, how are the different rooms, the capacity… they will not tell you, you will see it for yourself.
  10. If you like directed classes, ask well and make sure they do them in the gym. It is not that you sign up excited and later, they do not do them or, the schedules and days do not coincide or suit you. Therefore, always ask before and make sure.
  11. If you really want to make sure about the machines they have, the ones you are going to use or the classes they can do there, always try to test it before.
  12. How? There are some that do an open door offer or you can train a day for free. The same, if you know another person and have some day to take a person to train for free.
  13. Ask for the price of training only one day. Many gyms have this option and it will be very useful for you to try everything on your own meat and decide to sign up or only go on individual days or not do it anymore.
  14. Although the economic issue is very important, you should not forget that many gyms are good, yes. But also, that prices go up a lot for the simple fact of being fashionable, in a modern area… if this is the case, think about whether it is really worth it. Is it really worth what you pay, or can you do the same in another and cheaper?
  15. The same is the opposite case. Don’t let the cheap end up being expensive. Sometimes by saving a few euros it is still more expensive later… do the math and don’t lose money in the long run by being a bit stingy at first.

What do you need to choose a gym?

  • Consider your priorities and your needs.
  • Check before signing up.
  • Make a visit to be able to decide.
  • Take advantage of the offers.

Tips for choosing a gym

Make a list and write down the things you need, what you want, what you are looking for, the distance, the price, what you can afford and what you cannot, etc. From there, be realistic.

Whenever you can, go to the gym yourself and ask without problems for the different offers (which can be very interesting). It will also help you make contact and be able to decide whether to sign up or not, going one day with a one-day pass or looking at it in situ to see what its facilities are like, the capacity it has, whether it is overcrowded or not, the directed classes they do, what the machines are like, etc.