Biceps and Chest Routine at Home


Every man wants and enjoys strengthening his muscles. More if they are those upper muscles, such as the biceps and chest. Muscles that stand out a lot to the eye and denote strength in the person. That is why today we want to dedicate ourselves to writing an entry where we contemplate some interesting exercises designed to exercise these muscular areas in our body. If you want to know how it’s done, it’s just a matter of staying until the end.

It is worth mentioning that this routine is not exclusive for men, women can also follow it and achieve important results. We make this clarification for how the article is started, because we know that more men focus on working these areas of the body.

Another thing to add from this article is that all the exercises presented are a part of a circuit. Which means that the routine is fulfilled after doing the circuit about 4 or 5 laps. Complying of course with the repetitions specified in each exercise. This biceps and chest workout can be done perfectly at home or in a gym. We comment on this because of the reality that is being lived in quarantine. Without further ado, let’s give it a go!

Intense biceps and chest workout at home.

Next, each of the exercises that make up this routine will be written. The movement will be described in writing accompanied by a reference image. Mention will also be made of some tips to maintain the correct technique and execution of the exercise.

Push Ups (12 Reps).

This exercise consists of locating a piece of furniture or elevated surface (eg a chair). And place your feet on it. Adopting a horizontal position in such a way that the hands touch the ground and proceed to perform push-ups with it. This exercise is intense and perfect for the chest. It could be complemented by adding some extra weight to the back. In this way we increase the difficulty.

However, it is quite demanding on its own. The key is to perform all twelve repetitions in a controlled manner. Without doing them very quickly, remember that the slower and more controlled the execution of an exercise, the greater the results we will achieve. With that we open this biceps and chest routine.

Seated Curls (12 Reps).

The previous exercise focused on the chest, now we have to work the biceps. The intention of performing seated curls is that in this way we can avoid rocking. Same as sometimes we go to be able to cheat in the execution of this exercise. If you are sitting down and with your back against the chair, we correct that fault.

The movement consists of moving the weight down, it is important to fully extend the elbow. Do not leave it halfway and then proceed to lift it. If you cannot perform this exercise, it is because they are resorting to excessive weight, so it is recommended to lower it a little until you can master the technique.

Chest Press (12 Reps).

For this exercise we can place ourselves on the floor or on a mat and take our pair of dumbbells. Once in position, this biceps and chest exercise will help us strengthen our muscles, as long as it is done with a weight that we can control. Nothing excessive, but demanding, that is the key to be able to maintain the technique.

In this case, the top to which we will go down will be the ground, since we are not on a bench.

Concentrated Curls (12 Repetitions).

This exercise is not very different from seated curls. In essence it is the same exercise only a little more “Intense”. What makes this exercise different from the previous one is that we will do it resting the arm on the back of a chair. This in order to correct the balancing fault that often tends to be committed. And the elevation and extension will be done slowly, taking a short pause when the biceps have contracted when going up.

If we do everything in a controlled way and without exaggerating speed. Rest assured that you will feel the work in the biceps. Muscle which is being worked.

In this way we conclude with the writing of this article. Remember that this routine is done in a circuit, so after having reached the fourth and last exercise, a one-minute break is necessary and then we start again. We can do a total of 4 laps for this biceps and chest routine at home. We also want to comment that the images taken belong to the Gim topz YouTube channel.