Abs Routine at Home


When it comes to attractive muscles, the dispute is between the pectorals and the abdomen. Today in this article we will take care of sharing with our readers a powerful abdominal routine to bring out the attractiveness of this area in your body. And you know what’s best? That it is a home routine, so it will not be necessary to leave the comfort of your home to train. If you are interested in knowing in detail how this routine is constituted, stay until the end of this entry, we guarantee that you will not lose anything.

The first thing you have to keep in mind before starting the routine is that it works as a circuit. What does that mean? That the list of exercises that we will share below must be done continuously and without rest, and only at the end of the first set (or lap). It is that you can take a break of 45 seconds before proceeding with the next set repeating each exercise. Doing between 4 to 5 sets is more than enough. In addition, it is strongly recommended to accompany this routine with a diet rich in protein or to lose weight, depending on your goal.

Exercises that make up the circuit abdominal routine.

The following list describes the important points that must be taken into consideration for a correct execution of the exercise. In addition to identifying the number of repetitions that should be given.

Crunch (12 repetitions).

For the execution of this exercise we must place our back on the ground, you can use a quilt so as not to feel the rigidity of the floor and to be able to make the movement more comfortable. Once on the ground, what proceeds is to pick up the legs so that our knees are raised, and start doing the movement.

As simple as trying to touch the ceiling with your hands, we go up and down, the ascent can be done taking an impulse with the arms, but when going down it is important to do it slowly, controlling the tension in the abdomen. This exercise can be complemented by giving a complete rise of the torso to the knees, and the next only bending the upper abdomen. If this exchange is made, the repetition will be valid only when both exercises have been executed.

Leg raises (12 repetitions).

Even if you move off the ground, you have to put your hands under your buttocks. And position the legs totally straight to the floor. The technique consists of raising the legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. And then go down, EYE! When descending, do not lower your legs completely, stop for a moment halfway and then raise your legs again to be perpendicular to the ground and finally lower them slowly.

Although it seems like a complicated exercise, the truth is that it is not, it is only a matter of trying it so that you realize it. Remember that this is an alternating exercise, so a repetition will only be counted when you have gone up, down halfway, up again and finish with the down. Always try to do the movement in a slow and controlled way.

Crunch variant (12 repetitions).

The third exercise in this abdominal routine is a variation of the first. And which we can call “short crunch”. We will raise our legs a little, almost as if we were sitting, but on the ground. And with the hands behind the neck, we will try to contract the upper abdomen.

Remember that the pressure or force must be felt in the area you are working on, that is. In the upper abdomen, nothing to be doing force with the neck, if after doing the exercise your neck hurts more than the abdomen, it is because you did the exercise wrong.

Iron (45 seconds).

To finish the abdominal routine at home, we must close the circuit with 30 seconds of ironing. This exercise does not consist of making any movement, on the contrary, you just have to adopt the posture shown in the image and try to concentrate the pressure of the body on the abdomen. It seems harmless or absurd, but the truth is that you will feel how your abdomen burns during those 30 seconds.

In this way we culminate with the writing of this article, and we close the abdominal routine. Remember that after completing a lap you rest for 45 seconds and then repeat the exercises until you do 4 or 5 laps. If you have found it interesting and want to develop it in your home, go ahead! We will not be the ones to prevent it. We also want to add that the credits for the images used in this article belong directly to the YouTube channel Gim Topz.